WEB student leaders at Blendon connect during Spring Play Day

WEB student leaders at Blendon connect during Spring Play Day

WEB student leaders at Blendon connect during Spring Play Day Photo and portions of this story from the Westerville City School District – Incoming student leaders in the Where Everybody Belongs (WEB) program at Blendon Middle School got their first taste of training...
Link Crew student leaders prepare for new role

Link Crew student leaders prepare for new role

Link Crew student leaders prepare for new role Story and photos from the Westerville City School District – The inaugural group of Link Crew student leaders across Westerville’s high schools took their first steps learning how they can help support the newest members...
Sponsorship opportunities for 2024 Night of Hope

Sponsorship opportunities for 2024 Night of Hope

Sponsorship opportunities for 2024 Night of Hope Westerville Education Challenge is looking for sponsors for its 2024 Night of Hope 5K, 1-miler, and Family Fun Run. Please consider this great way to advertise your business and support the school community that...